Apr 28, 2009

Time to say goodbye..

It's been a week since my return to Turin after the Easter holidays which I've spent home with my family. My last days here went by very fast. Incredibly fast, really.
Besides having to finish off with what I've started three months ago at school, there was loads of saying goodbye. One emotionally intense week, indeed!
I did have to go through the whole »saying goodbye process« once in the past, but it seems to me that no matter how much you prepare for it- you can never be prepared enough.

What I'm feeling at the moment can be described as a kind of »dolce-amaro« taste; feeling extremely happy to return home but on the other hand being sad about leaving behind the life that I've been living in Turin for the past three months. It's been a different life, full of new and exciting things, full of new people (each touched me in his own way). But deep inside me I know this is the right thing. This is how it should be. The period spent here will definitely not be forgotten. But now it's time to move on.. I sure am curious about what life has prepared for me in the future..:)

In the previous week my school work did not differ much from that in any other week- helping teachers of English, that of TOK (Theory of knowledge), having to substitite for a missing professor and holding some supplementary lessons for students with problems.. and soon my working week was finished!

Yesterday it was particularly intense- I had my last lessons with the first and the second class. For this purpose (and to make it a bit more exciting) I've prepared a quiz about Slovenia. Since the start I've tried to make the students understand where Slovenia is located (which is, obviously, a knowledge not to be taken for granted ;) and what its characteristics are. To check whether they've actually remembered anything I gave them a test. They did relatively well. Why relatively? Well, there were still some commentaries about Bratislava and Zagreb being our capital, about Slovenia being a part of either ex Soviet Union or Checkoslovak Republic and this sorts of things.. but we managed to get by ;)

At the end I've asked them to give me a kind of a feedback on my work- writing what they liked and disliked about my lessons. This is something I find to be extremely useful as it can help you improve certain things. In addition, it's an opportunity for the students to get back at me for all the horrible things I've done in the past ;) To be honest I was really very much surpised by the commentaries given. It almost made me cry..
Here are some, in original form (still including grammatical mistakes ;):

»I enjoyed all the exercise, the explains, it was a very nice experience because now we speak the english better then before and we know a little bit better Slovenia.«

»I like very mutch your lessons becaus I have learn something about a new country. But I didn't like becaus you rest with us a few time. For this I am a little bit sorry. Hvala for everything.«

And my favourite one:

»I think she's very nice and friendly, and she can explain english very well. She could be a parfect teacher. I hope to see her again soon.

Ps: when she speak Italian she's very hot ;)«

Tomorrow the school is throwing a kind of farewell party for me. I've never had a party organised just for myself and so you can imagine how excited I am.. ;)

Let you know how it goes!

Apr 15, 2009

Family visit

As it has already been mentioned I had two very special guests.. my brother and my aunt paid me a visit last week and I can conclude it really was great! Seeing them after such a long time made it even more special than it already was.

We first took a trip around Turin which was, despite the fact I know it rather well by now, interesting for me, as well. Visual material which serves as a proof I'm not just messing with you, is found below ;)
Gran Madre and the Verbic "brothers" ;)

Mia crazy zia ;)

We also took some other trips to near-by places which I haven't seen so far. Among other places we also saw Venaria Reale, also known as "The Versailles of Turin". Let me say I've been to Versailles several times so far and I find it NOTHING like Venaria (and I don't mean that in a good way ;) Sorry.. ;)

La Veneria Reale

One place which I particularly fancied was defenately Sacra di San Michele. It is also known as "The Symbolic monument of the region Piedmont" which still today served as the religious object.

Sacra di San Michele/Saint Michael’s Abbey

Sacra di San Michele/Saint Michael’s Abbey

At the moment I'm spending my Easter holidays in Slovenia with my family and friends. I love it here! Even more now than I did before going to Italy. Slovenia is undoubtedly MY HOME. And even though I'm loving my days spent in Italy, nothing can be compared to the feeling that you get upon returning home..

This Sunday I'm going back to Turin to finish off what I've started 2 and a half months ago. I'm sure saying goodbye won't be easy. Leaving new friends, collegues, experiences behind.. But then, I'm an optimist myself when it comes to the future. And so.. new experiences, here I come! ;)

Apr 5, 2009

Three weeks to go..

The week that is about to finish passed extremely quickly; one of the reasons being that I only started working on Tuesday and not on Monday, as usual. Which made the whole week a day shorter ;)
As mentioned in the previous post I've been to Lyon last weekend.

As I really wanted to take full advantage of my stay there I asked my mentor if it would be possible to take a day off. Fortunately for me, she agreed ;)
This is actually something I really appreciate with this programme of Comenius Assistantship. An assistant is supposed to be working from 12-16 hours per week but the days when the work is supposed to be done are not really defined. So in a way assistants are relatively free when deciding when to work. However (and like in most cases) this also depends on the relationship that you establish with the mentor and with other school staff. I can say we have a good rapport. But then, isn't that always the case- when you're honest to someone, this someone is very likely to give his kindness back?

School was quite busy, though. I can even conclude the passing week has been one of the busiest so far. On average I worked for 4 hours per day, but when returning home there was plenty of other stuff to do... Believe it or not, it took me additional 4 hours to prepare for the lessons held in the following days. That's what I call hectic ;)
But I am now through with it and extremely happy about it ;)... did I tell you holidays start next week? Yeah, that's kind of the thing that keeps me going ;)

A classroom at Il Liceo Europeo Vittoria

At our school holidays start next Thursday and last up until the 19th of April. And so as you can see, I have a looong holidays ahead of me (and I'm sure not complaining about it ;)

Ok, so I've told you about my good, working side. However, teaching and preparing for lessons is not the only thing that I do around here (even though one might get precisely this idea ;). I do like to take time to enjoy myself, of course. To be honest, I already got the feeling that it's only a matter of time before I'll have to leave Turin and return to my sweet Slovenia. That's why I want to take full advantage of my stay here. And how do we do that? First, we go for some ice-cream tasting ;)
And so yesterday I met up with my friend Kate, again. The main purpose of this meeting of ours was to check out the new flavor of the month in one of the best gelaterias in town (GROM- I strongly advise you to remember the name! ;). But... believe it or not, this time I said no to it and only watched Kate as she enjoyed her scoop of Gianduja. I'm not saying it wasn't hard or that I did not suffer while watching her, but the thought I was able to resist it for once, makes me even happier ;)
By the way- the reason why I said no wasn't a religious one (or any other noble kind, for that matter). I was just too stuffed with other sweets that I had before ;)

Yesterday evening we went out for dinner. A friend of mine, Alex from Romania, celebrated his birthday which is why he invited us for an aperitivo. It was a very lovely evening!

And today? Well, apart for writing this post, I’m preparing myself for a very special visit. My brother and my aunt are already on the way to Turin... how cool is that? ;) We’re planning to visit some things in the city and hopefully we’ll manage to see some other cities which I have not had a chance to visit so far. And so I am expecting a very nice week! As a welcome present for them my flatmate Chiara (who is, by the way, a true expert in baking) and myself (well, I mostly did the watching part ;) baked these handome looking cookies.. Wanna a bite? ;)

Apr 1, 2009

Weekend in Lyon

Last weekend I've been to Lyon (France) where I met up with an old friend Johann. We were hosted by his brother Benjamin and his family who did their best in trying to make me feel like home. They did an excellent job!

Adell de Ortells family, you trully are great! ;)

Let the photos tell the rest..

The Roman Era Theatre

Place Bellecour

Panda town ;)
Basilica de Fourvière I.

Basilica de Fourvière II.