Jan 29, 2009

One more day to go..

Can you imagine what is going through my mind at the moment? Whole bunch of emotions, that's what. Reason being my coming assistantship at an Italian school in Torino (Liceo Europeo Vittoria di Torino, to be more precise). There, my main occupation should and will most probably be- teaching Italian pupils English.

Mission impossible? Well, that's the reaction that I get from most people when I let them know about my assignments. However, I'm an optimist myself and hope I will remain one even after this experience is over.

I've applied for Comenius assistantship exactly a year ago, which one might consider to be a rather long period. However, from what I've learned you can never be completely ready for such a thing. At the beginning I felt extremely fortunate to be among »the chosen« ones. I was looking forward to this new adventure so very much.. I have to be frank, though- there were times where I was overwhelmed by a kind of fear of the unknown, as well. But as time passed (and the date of my departure inevitably approaching) my positive feelings only invigorated.

And so now, just one more day away from my journey, I feel ready.

.. I'll keep you posted! ;)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Tina. I want to ask some questions about your appyling for Comenius if you accept...But I don't know how I can reach you.. If there is an address I can write you I will be so happy:)
