Feb 3, 2009

Day 1.

Having to describe my first day in Turin, two words pop into my mind. Trumpet and kisses. Loads of both. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, let me explain what I mean.

When I arrived to the station my mentor was already waiting for me there. The feeling that you get when you see there's someone there willing to help is simply comforting. I can say I'm very fortunate to have such a nice mentor.. talking to some other Comenius Assistants, I've discovered that this is not to be taken for granted. For this reason I cherish it even more.

Later, I literally had no more time than to leave my stuff at my new temporary home and set off , in search of new experience. My roommate, together with her boyfriend and another collegue of theirs have invited me to join them for a late dinner. Which, according to their standard, is not that late. Well, if you ask me, having dinner at 10 in the evening is not the most normal thing in the world. But we all know what they say- When in Rome, do as the Romans do! ;) And I did. And so my Italian journey began.

I still haven't explained the kissing and the trumpeting part, have I? Well, I guess we all know how Italians tend to be very.. emotional. Without knowing the other person, they start kissing you immediately. As a sign of frendship, of course (not to be mistaken for anything else! ;).
The stereotypes about the Italian drivers proved to be correct. Noone really pays a lot of attention to the other party in the traffic. They just go they own way, using the trumpet as their weapon most of the time. There's one thing to remember. Does the survival of the strongest ring a bell? ;) So in order to survive in the traffic here in Turin, I suggest buying a very good, and most of all, very strong trumpet that you can find. And even then- Good luck (with the capital G.)! ;)

In the following days I've met some girls who also work as Comenius Assistants. Getting in touch with them even before me coming here was indeed a very good idea. They are without a doubt the best source of information.
And so it happened that I met Elodie, a Comenius Assistant from France on the second day of my stay, and Sabrina, a Dutch girl. They're both very nice, giving support to confused little me ;)

They gave me a rough tour of the city and today they shall iniciate me into the Turin night life (which will, most probably, not finish that late. Don't forget- we have jobs to go to ;).

All in all, I could not wish for a nicer arrival. Thanks to all that had sth to do with it!

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